Implant Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

The foundation of a confident smile lies in the health and aesthetics of our teeth. Tooth loss threatens both of these important features of your smile, which can affect your well-being in multiple ways. Tooth replacement from your dentist proves crucial to restoring the look and feel of your smile.

You can achieve optimal tooth replacement with dental implants. These high-quality prosthetic teeth resemble natural teeth closely in both appearance and function. The fixed appliances replace missing teeth both above and below the gumline for maximum preservation of your smile.

Many people appreciate that, once in place, they do not have to worry about extra cleaning steps to care for their implants. But proper maintenance is important if you want to maximize the success of your implants.

Your dentist will provide you with aftercare guidelines to care for implants after their placement. Delve into an essential facet of dental care – implant dentistry – while emphasizing how oral hygiene contributes to its effectiveness in this month’s blog.

Implant Dentistry and Oral Hygiene

Why Oral Hygiene Matters to Implant Patients

Oral hygiene refers to the practice of removing plaque and other residues that collect on the teeth. Brushing your teeth and flossing ensures your mouth stays clean and fresh. Plus, it gets rid of this harmful build-up that would otherwise deteriorate the health of the teeth and gums.

Dental implants will not suffer from decay, but you need good oral hygiene for your implants to function properly. Natural oral bacteria spreads across your prosthetic teeth and can reach the gums.

If you contract gum disease, you could face a risk of infection at the implant site. Plus, gum recession and other deterioration may make the implant feel loose and no longer fit properly. If this happens, you may suffer from implant failure, an emergency scenario that will require the removal of the implant.

Therefore, proper oral hygiene forms the cornerstone for durable dental implants. Regularly cleaned implants play host to fewer bacterial colonies, thereby reducing chances for potential infections or fungal decay around the implant site.

Oral Hygiene Tips for Dental Implant Patients

As mentioned, dental implants do not require separate cleaning from the rest of your smile, unlike removable dentures. However, you should still adhere to a thorough oral hygiene regimen after receiving implants.

This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, morning and evening. Floss every day too. You may benefit from special brushes or flossers that can target areas of the mouth near the implant for a more thorough cleaning.

Directly after implant surgery, you will need to be careful near the implant site to avoid disrupting the healing process. But after recovery, you may want to try an antimicrobial mouthwash. Rinsing with this product can boost oral hygiene and reduce your risk of infection.

Your dentist will give you more tips that apply to each step of the implant process. Start your tooth replacement journey with your implant dentist by calling your dental practice today.