Have you noticed that your teeth look yellower, more crooked, or otherwise irregular in their appearance? Aesthetic dental concerns like these could impact your self-esteem. But your dentist can enhance the look of your smile with durable, effective cosmetic treatments like porcelain veneers.
Despite the clear advantages of this treatment, some people may worry about what attaching these cap-like shells to the teeth will mean for their smiles. Consult your cosmetic dentist to learn more about your unique oral health needs. But you can also read on to find responses from your dentist to frequently asked questions regarding smile enhancement through porcelain veneers.
Will Porcelain Veneer Treatment Hurt?
Receiving porcelain veneers from your dentist will involve several steps. The dentist first must prepare the surface of the affected teeth so that the veneers can better adhere to them. This entails etching into the enamel of the teeth.
To ensure this causes you no pain or discomfort, the dentist will give you a local anesthetic. This injection will block nerves in that specific area of the mouth to numb it so that the process will not hurt. The effects will wear off within a few hours and will not impact your consciousness.
Then placing veneers over the teeth using bonding material will not hurt either. If you feel nervous about upcoming dental work, you can discuss sedation dentistry options with your dentist. These treatments can induce a calm feeling so that you can look forward to a more positive experience at your dentist’s office.
Can Porcelain Veneers Break?
Dentists design porcelain veneers so that you can complete your normal oral functions – biting and chewing – without interference from your dental work. They feature durable ceramic held in place with secure resin bonding. However, these fixtures are not entirely indestructible.
If you bite down on a hard item or at an odd angle, you could generate high amounts of pressure on your dental work. Then the veneers could chip, dislodge, or otherwise break. You can avoid these types of actions to prevent this harm, but accidents can happen to any of us.
If this incident occurs, then the underlying tooth, made vulnerable with the preparation work, will be exposed and at risk of many dental problems. So if you sustain damage to your veneers, do not ignore the issue. Call your dentist for urgent repairs or replacements of your damaged veneers right away.
How Long Can Benefits from Veneers Last?
With proper care and maintenance, porcelain veneers will remain on your smile for fifteen years or longer. The custom-made shells will make the smile appear whiter, more aligned, and more even in shape and position.
Many people appreciate that veneers will resist staining and decay for long-lasting results. But you still need to practice proper oral hygiene to keep the underlying teeth healthy and better able to support this dental work. Floss and brush your teeth as directed, and use a soft-bristled brush to avoid scratching your veneers.